The amount of big data that needs to be retained for analytics is growing fast. OpenDL stores large amount of public data in multi cloud with integrated big data capabilities. We believe this data demonstrates the story which have high impact on social change in field of Legal for better justice, Health for delivering right care and Agriculture for predicting crop yield
OpenDL is building a data refinery that combines data from multiple sources clean it up and make it ready for science. OpenDL saves data preparation time by quickly transforming large amounts of raw data into consumable, quality information that’s ready for analytics.
OpenDL will be the nextgen data research ecosystem that connects science to the art of relationship. We focus on researching and devising the sophisticated analytic techniques to solve the pressing needs of the society. OpenDL applies deep learning techniques for next breakthrough in the area of Legal, Health and Agriculture


OpenDL is a technology and blogging site for writing about organisation that discovers and accelerate artificial general intelligence studies to achieve competitive edge in the field of Legal, Health and Agriculture. We focus on long-term research, working on problems that require us to make fundamental advances in AI capabilities. We publish open-source analytic tools via GitHub for accelerating AI research, and release social posts to communicate our research. We will not keep information personal for private benefit, but in future, we expect to create processes for keeping technologies private.

OpenDL's mission is to build AI, and ensure benefits are as widely and evenly distributed as possible. Our goal is to advance digital intelligence in the way that will benefit humanity as a whole and create positive human impact.

OpenDL technology stack helps accelerate the process to build, develop and use models to derive value. The goal of OpenDL is to build massive computing power that can be used to solve real-world problems. Our model will explore near-term applications using systems that are forward compatible to a large-scale data architectures. OpenDL believes that open source is suitable for this initiative and encourages collaboration and innovation. We will release code to push the initiative forward and share best practices we have developed. Most of the development will be done using Python, Apache frameworks, Tensorflow Keras etc. We adopt a three stage strategy:
Use - We use open source projects to build scalable and reliable products.
Release - We will release code under open source licenses for others to use.
Support - We believe that a healthy ecosystem is important for the sustainability of open source for all.